Team: Mineours

Milena Cervenka (Milena) - Point
Zorday Cavalcanti (Zorday) - Outside-Center
Henrique Srehder (Bode) - Inside-Center
Carlos Vizoni (Vizoni) - Tail


Tag Selection:

Teams Category:


KPI Team Other Teams Diff %
Avg Points 21.00 17.48 3.52 20.15
Randoms Transitions Avg Time 1.25 1.48 -0.23 -15.61
Blocks Avg Time 2.68 3.31 -0.63 -19.16


Date Tag Pool Points Busts
2022-12-03 Copa iFly 12-2022 13, 9 19 0
2022-12-03 Copa iFly 12-2022 N, 7, H 24 0
2022-12-03 Copa iFly 12-2022 J, C, E, K 30 0
2022-12-03 Copa iFly 12-2022 F, G, D, L 29 0
2022-12-03 Copa iFly 12-2022 Q, 1, 15 16 0
2022-12-03 Copa iFly 12-2022 B, 21, 11 17 0
2022-12-03 Copa iFly 12-2022 6, 14 16 0
2022-12-03 Copa iFly 12-2022 9, A, P 29 0
2023-03-18 Copa iFly 03-2023 D, M, L, H 32 0
2023-03-18 Copa iFly 03-2023 6, Q, 1 16 0
2023-03-18 Copa iFly 03-2023 O, 18, K 18 0
2023-03-18 Copa iFly 03-2023 A, 11, F 21 0
2023-03-18 Copa iFly 03-2023 7, 15 14 2
2023-03-18 Copa iFly 03-2023 13, C, 21 16 0
2023-03-18 Copa iFly 03-2023 B, 2, N 18 0
2023-03-18 Copa iFly 03-2023 P, 14, J 21 0

Transitions Map

Avg. time in seconds between random points

Transitions Map - Comparing to Other Teams

Block Transitions

Avg. time in seconds to complete a block.

Block Transitions - Comparing to Other Teams

Time Trend

Time spent on transitions by day.

Select a block:

Avg points in 35 seconds

Avg. points by day

Randoms time spent

Quartiles and median between randoms and from/to blocks.