Team: Arizona Airspeed

Niklas Hemlin (Niklas Hemlin) - Outside-Center
Christopher Kuhlmann (Christopher Kuhlmann) - Inside-Center
Mikhail Markine (Mikhail Markine) - Tail
Joey Marshall (Joey Marshall) - Point


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KPI Team Other Teams Diff %
Avg Points 27.00 17.59 9.41 53.51
Randoms Transitions Avg Time 0.96 1.47 -0.51 -34.78
Blocks Avg Time 1.85 3.30 -1.45 -43.87


Date Tag Pool Points Busts
2024-01-01 Queda livre G, 5, 19 27 0

Transitions Map

Avg. time in seconds between random points

Transitions Map - Comparing to Other Teams

Block Transitions

Avg. time in seconds to complete a block.

Block Transitions - Comparing to Other Teams

Time Trend

Time spent on transitions by day.

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Avg points in 35 seconds

Avg. points by day

Randoms time spent

Quartiles and median between randoms and from/to blocks.